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How SmartQueue will help you manage your Hungry & Angry Customers!


  • Real-time queue management
  • Capture the customer details
  • Automated Customer Assignment
  • Integrated with digital Signage for Queue Number Calling
  • Allow Advance/Pre-ordering during queuing
  • Alerts & Communication Via SMS
  • Customizable branding & user interface as per desired specifications
  • Creates seamless & efficient customer experiences
  • Predictive analysis and customer mapping journey

How it work?

How it work?

How Improves Queue Flow by 30% and Reduces Walk Aways by 80%

Decrease customer wait times, improve waiting line management, and increase revenues with TabSquare Smart Queue management solution

How Improves Queue Flow by 30% and Reduces Walk Aways by 80%

Decrease customer wait times, improve waiting line management, and increase revenues with TabSquare Smart Queue management solution

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